Suddenly September

And just like that, Summer is nearly over...

Every year, without fail, I marvel at how quickly it slips away. How almost imperceptibly the barest hint of chill slips into the early mornings and late evenings even as the days…

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On Independence Day, I thought about interdependence instead. Because that's just the kind of weirdo I am. 

I thought about a document so breathtakingly radical it sparked not only a revolution and a new nation, but a whole new…

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Sunny with a chance of harmony

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of attending the SERFA (Southeast Regional Folk Alliance) conference in beautiful Black Mountain NC, in the company of a few hundred kindred spirits.

Regional folk music conferences like SERFA are essentially a…

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April SHOWers!

Here in Brooklyn, crocuses and daffodils are waking up under sidewalk trees and in window boxes, tiny dogs are ditching their metallic down coats (I kid you not) and scampering about in the buff, so I, too, am peeking out…

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Is this thing on?

Helloooooooo in there... It's been a minute, hasn't it?

A chilly, dark, frightening minute that might actually have been a year, a decade, a century. It's really hard to say. I don't know about you, but time moves just a…

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Sweater Weather

...well, not quite, but I'm excited. I'm one of those people who deeply enjoys the crisping of the air and the falling of the leaves and the making of the soup and the sharpening of the pencils that comes with…

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Suddenly Summer

...and suddenly, it's Summer!

Things are heating up in more than one way, it seems. I had the privilege of kicking off the new season with my first indoor concert in what seems like forever in front of a LIVE…

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Remarkable and Resilient

Hello, fellow travelers. It's been a minute, hasn't it? 

Hope this finds you well in all ways as Spring gently unfolds her blossoms and we, it seems, do the same; carefully emerging from the longest, deepest, darkest hibernation of body…

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intense weirdness and overwhelming goodness 

Hello, friends! 

It's been a minute... I'm hoping you and yours are safe and well, and that you're continuing to enjoy live music -- onscreen or outdoors at a safe distance -- whenever and wherever you can!

As for me…

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Present and Immediate

Hello, friends!

It is my sincerest hope that this note finds you and your loved ones safe and well. 

The world is turning at a dizzying pace, it seems. Terrible things are happening. But good things are happening, too. Here…

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Hello, friends!

Wow. Since last I wrote you, so much has changed.

I played two wonderful shows the first weekend in March for gracious, beautiful music lovers, and somehow managed not to touch not a single one of them. We…

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